Monday, June 3, 2024

Player Kings Ian McKellan



Noel Coward Theatre, London

Adapted and directed by Robert Icke

11 May 2024


                      The first Shakespeare play Hal and I saw on stage in English was in 2013 – Henry IV Part One at the Roundhouse Theatre in London. It was the start of my odyssey with Shakespeare.

                      Now, in 2024, with my travelling companion AC, I am incredibly seeing Ian McKellan as Falstaff in this 4-hour double-hitter Player Kings Henry IV Parts One and Two. The moment he opens his mouth, his voice lifts the theatre, the players and the audience up to the world of Hal and Falstaff - McKellen is Falstaff, fat, crude, a braggard and a liar, a scrounger and a drunk.

                      The play is consistently funny with those intensely emotional moments only Shakespeare can create. Young Toheeb Jimoh as the riotous, gallivanting, hopelessly unprincely Prince Hal is excellent and a perfect straight man to Falstaff. The ending (here, hardly a spoiler because surely you have all read and/or seen the play) when the new king rejects Falstaff is heartbreaking, as is Falstaff’s vain and shaking insistence that ’He will call for me privately.’

                      The theatre, the Noel Coward Theatre, is stylish and small. AC, who arranged the whole thing, and I sit high up and have to crane our heads to see the action at times, but never mind. We ’re seeing it. The scenography is stark and simple, very effective. The rest of the cast do their jobs finely. But – Ian McKellen. What a wondrous afternoon.

                      Thank you, AC.



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